Monday, June 27, 2011


My husband and I have spent many a Sunday afternoon watching documentaries on Netflicks Instant Watch.  This last Sunday we watched Food Matters, it proved to be thought provoking, insightful and full of life altering, empowering knowledge, just like a good documentary should. :)  If you haven't seen it I highly recommend.

The basic subject of the movie was "You are what you eat".  If you eat junk, you're going to feel like junk, look like junk and eventually you're body is going to give up on fighting against the junk.  If you eat good, you're going to feel good, look good and your body will be so much better for it. It sounds so elementary BECAUSE IT IS! But we live in a society where we treat everything with a medicine instead of just changing what people put in their body. 

One of the subjects discussed in the film was superfoods. I believe I had heard the term before and thought of broccoli, lentils, spinach, etc. I was so far of base! They named some that I had never heard of! Spirulina, raw cacao, wheat grass, and their website named many more! Superfoods have amazing nutrients packed in a small punch!  For example, spirulina has 70% complete protein, while a cooked steak has 25% plus, spirulina is almost completely digestible and easily digested while as steak - - just isn't.

Some of the opinions of the film I don't 100% agree with, such as, if you eat perfect and good your whole life, you'll never have a chronic disease.  While nutrition is probably 50-80% the cause of many of our illnesses and diseases, they didn't mention genetics, and other environment factors that are our of our control. Plus, I know our world will never be disease free until Christ comes again.  I know of people who have followed this type of diet to the T and they still have had diseases invade their bodies.

What made this film even more fascinating to us was, we've been toying with the idea of becoming vegetarian, with the occasional chicken. ;)  This film has just solidified our decision to change.  I'm not going to pretend that I'm excited, because I'm more scared than excited.  I don't think I'll miss meat, I've been without it before, no biggy.  I'm more scared of 100% getting rid of processed food.  How pathetic!! I'm not going to lie, I occasionally like my handful of chips or my processed, packed chocolate chip cookie.  No more sugar cold cereal for breakfast, we get that about every other month as a treat.  But in return, we will have our energy back, weight loss and soooo much more!!  I like to think that I'm pretty organized with our menu but now it has to completely go through an overhaul, which is intimidating for me. Wish me luck!  I welcome any tips and recipes!!

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